Free Domain Terms and Conditions

AVA Hosting (Advanced Virtual Applications, S.A.) offers free domain registration with shared Web Hosting (cPanel) plans for customers who choose annual billing (minimum 12 months).

This means that AVA Hosting will register a .COM domain for our customers if they select annual billing for shared Web Hosting services only.

Customers who choose monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual plans will not be eligible for this benefit.

This offer is only applicable to orders placed through this portal.

The domain registration will be subject to the terms and conditions of the MASTER SERVICE AGREEMENT (in Spanish).

Regarding the 30-day guarantee offered by AVA Hosting, the customer may still request a refund for the hosting service, but an amount of USD 19.95 (nineteen dollars and ninety-five cents) will be deducted as a domain registration fee.

This is because once a domain is registered, the registration cannot be reversed; from that moment, the customer owns the domain name, and it is registered under their name. The customer may, if they wish, point the domain to another hosting service through a control panel that will be provided. They can also enjoy a free email with the domain, within the associated limitations.

Registering a domain is similar to registering a trademark. It is done for a minimum period of 1 (one) year. In summary, the customer owns the domain for the minimum registered period.


  • dominio gratis
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